Using the scriptsΒΆ

There are two commandline-oriented scripts that come with ulif.openoffice:

  • an oooctl-server that starts LibreOffice server in background.
  • a converter script called oooclient. It is merely a little test programme that was used during development, but you might have some use for it. Especially the –help option might be interesting, to get an overview over the available document processors and their options.

Assuming you acticated the virtual environment where the package was installed (or installed the package otherwise accessible) you can start the oooctl-server with:

(py27) $ oooctl start


(py27) $ oooctl --help

to see all options.

You can stop the daemon with:

(py27) $ oooctl stop

The converter script can be called like this:

(py27) $ oooclient sourcefile.doc

to create a conversion. The ZIP file will (beside the generated HTML document) contain all images and extracted CSS styles.


(py27) $ oooclient -meta-procord=oocp, -oocp-out-fmt=pdf sourcefile.doc

to create a PDF of sourefile.doc.